UKD2: UK Dark Series Book 2 Page 9
A squad of six men entered the first house, while Jon and the rest remained outside with their weapons pointed towards the buildings. A few minutes later the corporal spoke up, “The all clear’s been given. At ease, but I don’t have to remind you to stay vigilant, do I?”
Jon and the rest of his attacking force jogged over to us. “We need to get back right now!” he said. “The injured need medical attention. Most of them aren’t too bad, but I’m concerned about Private Eddy. He’s falling in and out of consciousness.”
Within five minutes we’d helped to get the wounded onto the vehicles, had turned the convoy around and were making our way back to Moseley.
The drivers took less care on the way back, due to the need for speed and quite a few abandoned vehicles were dealt a glancing blow to move them out of the way. Private Eddy looked in a bad way. As far as I could tell, the other wounded were less serious. One man had a bullet wound in his arm and there were a few sprained ankles and possible broken bones due to falls during the attack.
Nobody spoke in the rear of the vehicle; everyone seemed lost in their own thoughts. I could hear Jon speaking rapidly over the radio. He was making sure that they would be ready to receive the casualties, and giving an ETA of our arrival.
Then he was on to the UAV operators, demanding to know why, once again, they had failed to spot the danger before we were attacked.
Looking through the front window, I could see another armoured vehicle heading towards us. Slowing down and stopping briefly, Jon had a quick chat with its passenger before continuing on our journey. He turned and beckoned me over. “That was Captain Berry. He’s going to have a look at the ambush site to see if there are any clues to suggest who they were and where they came from.”
“I know it definitely wasn’t anyone we’ve come across before,” I replied. “I’m not an expert but those guys looked like military to me, and they were carrying military grade weapons.
Why would they attack us without warning and without trying to find out who we are or what we want?
I’m really worried about the other groups we were trying to find today. We were only just getting to know them, but they certainly didn’t have the manpower or the weapons to stand up to an attack from that lot. They’d have been annihilated!”
Jon looked thoughtful for a while and replied carefully, “I agree that our attackers were military or ex-military. They fought well today, almost with a suicidal bravery, almost as if they knew they’d get no leniency if they were captured. We only managed to beat them because we had far superior firepower, and could easily flank them due to our numerical advantage. In a normal battle situation, I’d have expected them to surrender and accept capture and imprisonment rather than death. But despite our repeated demands, they all refused.”
“Well, whoever they are,” I said, frowning, “We’ve been attacked twice now in as many days and I, for one, am not feeling as safe and secure as I used to. I was beginning to think that the worst was over but now I think it’s only just begun.”
Jon looked me in the eye. “No,” he said grimly, “I don’t think the worst has even started yet. The models and forecasts all predicted that the next few months will be the worst. The people who are left now are survivors. They’ve lived through starvation and attack from others. They’ll be tough and resilient, like you and the members of your community. But you’re in a very fortunate position; you still have enough food to eat. Your community’s only holding together because your basic needs are being met, you’ve got full stomachs. Imagine if you were running out of food and you suspected your friend and neighbour was hoarding it. What would you do?”
Rather than waiting for an answer, he continued, “Imagine if your whole community had run out of food. You’d tried to beg some from the nearest group, but either they weren’t giving you enough or they were point blank refusing to share their supplies. What if you knew you had more manpower and better weapons than them? Would you attack them so that your own children could eat?”
Pausing for effect, he went on “Humanity has a dark side and Mr ‘Mild Mannered’, who wouldn’t say boo to a goose, that ‘law abiding citizen’, would stab you in the back in a heartbeat if it meant he could steal from you and feed his family.”
I nodded, thoughtfully. You couldn’t argue with what he was saying. “So what’s the answer?” I asked, “What do we do with people if we know they’ve killed others to steal from them, just so that they can feed their families? Who has the right to judge them, when any of us might have been forced to do the same thing?”
Jon looked at me with a rueful shrug, “That’s the moral dilemma we’ll have to face.” Glancing ahead, he said, “We’re almost back now, let’s concentrate on getting Private Eddy to Jerry.”
Private Eddy was now in a serious condition, so Jerry supervised getting him out of the vehicle and into the kitchen area, and immediately began to work on him.
The atmosphere remained tense as I sought out a tearful Becky and the kids. After quick hugs all round I gave them a quick résumé of the day’s events. She already knew about the successful meetings with the other local groups, due to the radio conversations that had taken place between us, but she’d heard very little about the attack.
She’d been aware that something had gone wrong, because most of the soldiers had started running around, donning kit and issuing or listening to orders. The sound of distant gunfire and explosions had terrified her. She’d tried to make enquiries, but hadn’t been able to find out much information until the reports came in that we were returning with wounded, and for Jerry to get prepared.
Nobody had known who or how many had been hurt, and the subsequent wait for our return had been agonising. Her sense of relief at seeing me step, unharmed, out of the vehicle had released all the pent up emotion.
Looking around, you could see similar scenes involving everyone else who had been on the expedition.
Although we hadn’t known Private Eddy until he’d arrived two days ago, he was now part of our group and everybody kept glancing in the direction of the kitchen. We could see Jerry and his assistants, both from our group and the army medics, working furiously on him. We saw Fiona run over to our house and emerge a few minutes later carrying a sheet of paper. Seeing Pete, she hurried over to him. Excusing myself, I went to see if I could help.
“Tom, glad you’re OK,” said Pete, quickly shaking my hand. “According to Fiona, Private Eddy’s in real trouble. He’s lost a lot of blood and needs an urgent blood transfusion, otherwise they’re afraid he won’t make it. I have a list here of everyone who has the right blood group. Can you help me round them up to see if they‘ll donate a pint or two?”
“Absolutely,” I said, glancing at the list. I noticed that I wasn’t the right match, but Becky and quite a few others were. Pete and I quickly gathered up everyone with the right blood group, all of whom, without hesitation, volunteered to donate their blood.
With the help of one of the soldiers, Fiona quickly organised the donors and began to insert needles and tubes into the arms of the first few volunteers.
As soon as the first bag was filled it was rushed over to Jerry. We could see him attaching it to a tube that was sticking out of Private Eddy’s arm. Fiona filled two more bags and took them over.
On her return she explained to the others that their blood would be taken if it was needed. There was no point in collecting it until then, because it would be impossible to store it.
Harry had rounded up a few of the soldiers who had the same blood group, and told them to report to Pete for instructions. They were asked to wait with the others.
Apart from guard duty, all other duties had ceased, as people gathered in worried groups and discussed the day’s events. I could see that Jon was having a heated discussion with some of the government advisors. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but there were clearly two different points of view and neither party was coming to an agre
I decided not to worry about it. If it was important I was sure I would find out about it in due course. I returned home to spend some time with my family.
About an hour later, as darkness was settling over the neighbourhood, Jon knocked on our door and walked into the house. The adults were all sitting at the dining room table, a single lantern in the middle of the table providing the only lighting. The main topic of conversation was, of course, what had happened during the day. The children were in the kitchen playing a board game and the only people absent were Jerry and Fiona, who were still tending to Private Eddy.
“How is he?” Becky asked, holding Baby Jack on her knee. She had been happy to look after him while Jerry and Fiona were both busy.
Jon looked troubled. “Not good, that’s why I’m here. Jerry can’t stop the bleeding and the only reason he’s still alive is the fact that he’s being given continual blood transfusions. We need to get him back to the base hospital where he can get the surgery he needs.
It’s my fault. I overruled bringing a full medical team with us, because I deemed them too valuable to leave the base. We only have only one surgeon at the moment and I didn’t want to risk exposing her to any danger.”
“Look, Jon,” I said, “it’s not your fault, it’s down to those idiots that attacked us today. You made the right choice at the time and Jerry can keep him alive until he gets back, can’t he?”
“He says he can. That’s why I need to talk to you. I’ve asked Pete and Allan to join us to save me repeating myself.”
“Do you want a word in private?” I asked, indicating that we could go into the other room.
“No. It concerns everyone so we may as well discuss it openly.” We waited for Pete and Allan to turn up, then sat down at the table and waited expectantly for Jon to start. He stood up and began to speak.
“As I’ve already said, Private Eddy needs to get back to the base for emergency lifesaving surgery. I’m not prepared to lose another young man under my command to a treatable injury, so I’m arranging for him to be transferred as soon as possible.”
He paused for a moment and sighed. “That’s my dilemma. I could authorise a helicopter to come and evacuate him but I’ve decided not to because, as has been proved recently, our overhead coverage via UAVs can’t be relied upon. A helicopter launching from the base would give its location away and the same would happen here. Even if it landed some distance away, it could still expose you to unwanted attention and put you in danger. Some of the advisers have suggested that, because of the risks, we should all pack up and return to base.”
At the shocked looks on our faces, Jon quickly held up his hands and continued.
“Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen. I’d never allow it. We’ve made a commitment to protect anyone who wants to help rebuild the country. If we abandoned you, the first people we’ve tried to work with, that would send a very poor message out to any new groups and to the people back at our base. I’ve made that very clear.
What I’m proposing to do, therefore, is send a small, heavily armed convoy back to the base as fast as possible. Unfortunately, I’ll have to go with them, as I’ll need to report face to face to my government superiors, so that we can start making plans for the future. Jerry will need to come too, in case Private Eddy needs medical attention during the journey. Don’t worry, he’ll be returned to you. He’s already agreed to come with us and Fiona is OK with that. The rest of the expedition will remain here to protect your community and to offer whatever help they can.”
We all nodded. As difficult as it all was, we knew that what he was saying made sense.
Unexpectedly, Jon turned to me and said, “Tom. I want you to come back with me as well. There are many more people who want to pick your brains about the plans we have, and as we consider you to be an expert, your help would be invaluable. I took the liberty of having a quick chat with Pete before we arrived and he’s in complete agreement that you’re the best person to accompany me.”
For a moment I was lost for words. Thinking rapidly I asked, “For how long? What about Becky and the kids?”
“Unfortunately, we won’t have room for all of you and I can’t tell you how long you’ll be away, because I just don’t know. No more than a week would be a good guess. You’re under no obligation to come along, but I do think you would be a big help to us.” Looking at Becky he continued, “I don’t want to pressurise you, but I could do with an answer. If you and Becky would like a moment to discuss this, please feel free to step outside for a moment.”
Becky took the initiative by standing up, taking my hand and leading me out of the dining room into the hallway. She turned, took both my hands in hers and said quietly, “You have to go. I know you’d say no if I told you I didn’t want you to go, but how could I do that? It would be wrong and selfish of me to do so. The Government needs you. You never know, it might be the Prime Minister who’s asking for you!” Smiling cheekily she added, “And anyway, we’ve got all these hunky young soldiers to protect us now. What could possibly happen to us?”
Hugging her, I replied, “Thanks my love. Who would have thought all this would be happening a few months ago? Me, the expert, advising the Government on how to run the country! It’s mind-blowing isn’t it? We’re going to have some great stories to tell the grandkids someday.” Still hugging her, I whispered, “Anyway, from what I’ve overheard, all the soldiers are terrified of you after the Captain Berry incident. The way it’s being exaggerated at every telling, no one’ll come within ten yards of your right hook!”
After a quick kiss we returned, smiling, to re-join the others. “Jon, I’m in. Just make sure you keep everyone here safe. That’s all I ask.”
Jon looked relieved. “Don’t worry, I know for a fact that our engineers want to have a meeting with Allan tomorrow to discuss some ideas they have. You probably won’t recognise the place when you get back. In the meantime I’ve approved Captain Berry’s plan for dealing with this Gumin character, and he‘s going to present it to Pete and his panel tomorrow morning for checking. I realise it’s a day late but I think they’ll approve of it. He’s not back from investigating the site of the attack yet, but I’ve read his report. I think we’ll miss him before we need to depart, but I’ll keep in constant contact with him over the radio.”
More briskly now, he continued,
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to rush you, but we need to get a move on as soon as we can. Time is of the essence with Private Eddy. You don’t need to bring anything with you, we can provide you with everything you’ll need at the base. If you want to take leave of your family, the route’s been checked and cleared by our UAVs and I want to get moving.”
“You still trust them then?” I asked, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Having seen a petrol bomb explode on a windscreen about two feet in front of me no more than a few hours ago, UAVs and their usefulness had gone right down in my estimation.
“Only a fool would completely trust technology, but believe it or not, for our purposes, they’re more effective at night because they can detect infra-red. We’ll be able to see more.”
Not quite sharing his confidence, I nodded and went with Becky to say goodbye to Stanley and Daisy. They were very tearful, which was understandable.
Since the event and everything we’d subsequently been through, we’d spent far more time together as a family than at any other time in the past. It had strengthened the bonds between us and the idea of being separated upset them, and me, greatly.
As we walked up to the three-vehicle convoy, the rest of our community, who were now aware of what was going on, had started to gather. I shook various hands and received many good wishes. Pete and Allan were closest to the vehicles, chatting to Prince Harry.
Allan and Pete shook my hands and assured me that they would take good care of my family, and Harry cheerfully confirmed this, saying that Colonel Moore had left him in charge and that everyone would be as safe as houses in my abs
With a last hug from Becky and the kids, I climbed into the lead vehicle. The doors closed and the convoy departed.
Inside the vehicle, Jon motioned for me to come up to the front and sit beside him. Squeezing my shoulder, he said, “Thanks for trusting me and agreeing to do this. Because of Private Eddy’s injury I’ve had to change some of my plans and bring the rest forward. But to be fair, I think I’ve seen enough of your group and what you’ve achieved to realise that your model is about as good as it can get. If the decision makers back at the base can get their answers straight from you, it’ll speed up the whole process and we’ll be able to start saving lives sooner rather than later.”
“Apart from Jerry and Private Eddy, who else is coming back with us?”
“I’ve tried to keep our numbers as low as possible. I wanted to leave as many men behind as possible to help keep your people safe. Apart from the drivers, including the gunners up top, there are ten soldiers in all, twelve if you count us old guys,” he said, pointing to us both. “Those with less serious injuries are coming as well. They’ll still need medical attention, and as I’m bringing your only doctor with us, they had to be included really. Oh, and I’ve invited all the advisors along and surprisingly, they’ve all agreed with alacrity. They all insisted on staying to start with, but then it suddenly occurred to them that they urgently needed to get back to start ‘advising’ their bosses.” Chuckling, he added, “And I didn’t want to leave them behind to start annoying young Captain Wales about what he should or shouldn’t be doing. None of them enjoyed what they experienced today, and between you and me, one or two of them had a few little accidents when they were sheltering in their bullet, bomb and fire-proof armoured car and we were all out there dealing with the situation. But I suppose that’s why we chose to be soldiers and they chose to sit behind desks in Whitehall.