Dark Days: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry Page 7
Part Four
The Tri-sin of Greed, Lust and Gluttony.
The fall.
I halted in abject fear, but then continued,
into yet another chamber. This one was filled
with men and women, revelling in glorious
piles of silver and gold, jewellery and gems
these people’s greed have damned them to eternity
in here, in this hell, they are taken by demons.
They feed on the greed, tormenting the purveyors
of this sin by taking the needless possessions
of the greedy, the lustful and the gluttonous,
punishing them for their respective deadly sins.
The lustful men, paraded by bulging women
With their plentiful breasts heaving, the scant clothing
They once wore, torn beyond repair by the clawed hands
of the lustful.
I move slowly through the room as if in treacle,
the thickness of my emotions, slowing me down.
Greeted by the gluttonous, I stop and stare at
The vast mounds of drooping cellulite, the bingo wings;
Those things were what comprised the three in front of me
With wide, greedy eyes and a gargantuan gob,
slivers of drool snaking down their chins. Hunger had
taken hold of them, even as they are being
condemned for their sins. Despite the vast torturous
effects of the lack of food, the true gluttons turned
to cannibalism, eating flesh and drinking
the blood of the hapless victims that succumb to
their bulky might. Sharp teeth chattered as they bent down
to where I once was, but then I was behind them
fleeing to the end of the room, where the floor gave way
And I was sent plunging into the depths of this hell.